Oct 29, 2015


It was just last month when I heard of the word "favicon." My response was "what in the world is it?"

A favicon is an iconic symbol referring to a website. Let me show you a round-shaped, red fish as below. I made it by myself. It was vary easy to create, taking 10 minutes or less.

You can find the same image at the top of your screen (not in the right-side bar). As you guess, small images on the tabs of browsers are called favicons. I would say that a favicon is very useful in encouraging you to visit the website again. I am going to omit the detailed explanation because more informative websites than my explanation are available, e.g., Wikipedia.

My colleague told me that my blog's favicon was fantabulous and no doubt better than Google's favicon that has been recently released.

All I wish is that the word of favicon is getting more and more popular since it may be too cute to miss. From now on, you can pay more attention on a favicon.