Oct 31, 2022

F1 Suzuka

My elder son, Yuto, and I had an enjoyable time together in Suzuka.

F1 Japan was canceled in 2020 and 2012 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it finally took place this year! Our tickets for the seats of B1 (i.e., the first and second corners) were not affordable at all; I paid around $800. However, we are sure that it was worth the value.

On Saturday (Upper panels), we enjoyed the qualify. Watching F1 cars going into the first corner without braking from over 300 km/h was really amazing! On Sunday (Lower panels), it was raining and the race was halted for 2 hours owing to the heavy rain, when we were just sitting on the seats and waiting to resume the race. However, it was a fantastic experience to watch F1 cars running so fast in the mist.