We have started the official twitter of "循環器 Physical Examination 研究会." Dr, Hayashida and I are in charge of the content because most of the members are not familiar with this social medium.
This organization was established by late Pro. Yoshikawa in 2003 and an annual conference has taken place in Kobe for almost two decades. Lots of skills and knowledge about physical examination in the filed of cardiology can be obtained through the meeting. I am 100% sure that you are surprised to know how attractive physical examination techniques are!
In order to show the attractiveness to more people, we have decided to start activities on twitter, which is the best platform in this context.
Now, the follower are around 300 in number. The more informative the contents are, the more followers we can get. Of course, we need to be careful because this site may include personal information. It is needles to say that we try not to go too far, just hoping for increased follower number.
Anyway, I will do my best for the twitter page to thrive with my fantastic colleagues!