Dec 30, 2022

My last duty in ER

I have been regularly on duty in the emergency room since I graduated from medical college in 1994. It was a few times per week when I was young; as I get older, it became less frequent, for example, a few times per month.

I just did my final duty on December 4, 2023.

I cannot count how many times I worked as a duty doctor at night on weekdays and during the day time on weekends. There must have been hundreds or more.

For almost three decades when I engaged in the tough duties, I sometimes encountered scary situations, in which I was confused because I was not sure about how to treat patients who were in critical condition.

Now I am satisfied with finishing my last duty since I managed quite well all patients who sought medical care on that day. I have to thank Dr. Nishikawa, who is a resident doctor, for his practical support.

It is true that being on duty in the emergency room made me improved a lot not only as a doctor but also as a human. I won't forget my valuable experiences in the emergency department.

Nov 26, 2022

Vascular Conference Kitakawachi

A new conference entitled by "医師会合同フォーラム 守口・門真・寝屋川「心・腎・脳」血管マネジメント" was finally held on November 26th, 2022.

Nowadays, tons of conferences are available, but I decided to start a new one because a corporation with medical associations is necessary to boost the quality of medicine in the local area, Moriguchi city and its neighbors. No one backed me up at first, but eventually, I talked three presidents of the Medical Association in Moriguchi city, Kadoma city, and Neyagawa city into going along with my plan.

My vision is to make the conference expand to the Hokusetsu area composed of 6 medical associations. I do not think that it is an easy task but I am sure that we can make it because the first conference actually took place although it has been one year since my decision. As you can see, the icon of the home page for this conference is based on the shape of the Kitakawachi area, as is the English name.

Nothing is impossible as long as you believe it.

Oct 31, 2022

F1 Suzuka

My elder son, Yuto, and I had an enjoyable time together in Suzuka.

F1 Japan was canceled in 2020 and 2012 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it finally took place this year! Our tickets for the seats of B1 (i.e., the first and second corners) were not affordable at all; I paid around $800. However, we are sure that it was worth the value.

On Saturday (Upper panels), we enjoyed the qualify. Watching F1 cars going into the first corner without braking from over 300 km/h was really amazing! On Sunday (Lower panels), it was raining and the race was halted for 2 hours owing to the heavy rain, when we were just sitting on the seats and waiting to resume the race. However, it was a fantastic experience to watch F1 cars running so fast in the mist.

Sep 30, 2022

A 3-day trip to Hokkaido

My daughter, Aya, and I visited Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan!

A few months ago, she asked me to take her to Hokkaido. I thought that it was difficult for me to take a vacation from work in September, but she insisted.

My idea was to take a paid-off on Monday in order to have a three-day weekend. I did it and succeeded it. More importantly, the 7th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically decreased at the time. What a timing!

We had a really fun time together with delicious food and fantastic nature.

I look forward to your next request, my dear.

Aug 31, 2022

"Shining" Shine Muscat

One of the neurologists with who I sometimes work together gave me fruit. To tell the truth, I don't think I am a big fan of fruit but was really impressed by the gorgeous appearance and fantastic taste of the fruit. I learned what the fruit is called, Shine Muscat!

I have never seen a muscat like this. It was the biggest and tastiest grape that I have ever eaten. Furthermore, you don't have to peel before eating. I enjoyed a few pieces of the muscat every day, but it soon disappeared since my family members also loved to have the awesome muscat.

Dad is going to turn 87 this month. I decided to send the same fruit to my parents although it would cost me unaffordable money. I hope that they like my sweet present.

Jul 31, 2022

Couldn't be better, Yuto!

My son, Yuto, is going to graduate from college and recently has been busy having a job interview. It seems like he wants to work in a tertiary emergency center.

The first facility that he applied for was Nara Medical University. To my surprise, he was received to be hired next spring as a medical engineer (His number: 2205001). 

Yuto, Mam, and I had a short trip to Nara prefecture including the medical center, Ishibutai Tumulus, and Kashihara Shrine, all of which were fabulous beyond the reach of my imagination.

You must be excited about your new life, my son. I am sure you have wonderful abilities to overcome any struggle on your own.

 Start a new world and enjoy your life!

Jun 30, 2022

On behalf of the hospital

The instruction book and homepage of the hospital that I have worked for have been renewed.
What I am proud of is that I am on the cover page of the book (Left panel) and the front page of the homepage (Right panel), along with resident doctors.

These photos were taken by professional staff; this was our first time being treated as models or celebrities. To tell the truth, I was embarrassed with myself on the top pages but these photos were finally chosen by the votes in the hospital.

From now on, I will have to be conscious that I am on behalf of the hospital, which makes me keep moving forward.

May 30, 2022

My stethoscopes

I am proud to have expertise in cardiac auscultation.
Without stethoscopes, however, my knowledge would not have worked.

As you can see, I have a good collection of various stethoscopes in the room of the hospital I work for. Some are antique (the elderest is >50 years of age) and some are young (a few months); some are expensive and some are cheap; some are practical and some are impractical; and some are stereophonic and some are digital.

Needless to say, I have loved them, all of which are my priceless partners in daily practice.

I have been satisfied with the current members, but it would be appreciated if I could obtain a genuine Rappaport-Sprague stethoscope, which is no longer on sale. I will keep on checking out auction sites on the Internet.

Apr 30, 2022

Best Sakura in the world.

This year, I enjoyed beautiful cherry blossoms blooming in my two hometowns: one is Hikone (left pictures) and the other is Saito (right pictures).

I could not express enough of their fabulous sceneries. As you can see, they are awesome beyond my description in words. Light pink sakura, blue sky, and green plants...not to mention my parents. What a combination!

No wonder this year is the best Sakura I have ever seen before. I would never ever never forget this year's precious moments for the rest of my life.

Mar 31, 2022

Official twitter starts

We have started the official twitter of "循環器 Physical Examination 研究会." Dr, Hayashida and I are in charge of the content because most of the members are not familiar with this social medium.

This organization was established by late Pro. Yoshikawa in 2003 and an annual conference has taken place in Kobe for almost two decades. Lots of skills and knowledge about physical examination in the filed of cardiology can be obtained through the meeting. I am 100% sure that you are surprised to know how attractive physical examination techniques are!

In order to show the attractiveness to more people, we have decided to start activities on twitter, which is the best platform in this context.

Now, the follower are around 300 in number. The more informative the contents are, the more followers we can get. Of course, we need to be careful because this site may include personal information. It is needles to say that we try not to go too far, just hoping for increased follower number.

Anyway, I will do my best for the twitter page to thrive with my fantastic colleagues!

Feb 27, 2022

My vacation

I had a fun time with my family during my vacation, which started on Feb 18 and finished on Feb 27.
My daughter and I spent 2 days in Takamatsu, where her favorite YouTuber, Togimochi, was born and raised. Besides eating fantastic Udon noodles, we visited some sightseeing spots. One of them includes a beach shaped like a Japanese coin in the Edo period, which has attracted me for more than 3 decades.

My sons and I also enjoyed a wonderful dinner at an exclusive sushi restaurant. My wife attended her daughter's graduation ceremony. I was not allowed to join them due to the Covid-19 pandemic restriction, though.

Thanks to my fantastic memories that I have experienced during the 9-day vacation, I have been motivated enough to work hard from tomorrow. Thanks, my loved ones.

It would be appreciated if we could go to Taiwan togaher on my next vacation.

Jan 31, 2022

My wife starts a part-time job.

My wife, Junko, started working for the first time in more than two decades.
She had taught students how to play the piano but quit the job after she married me. I am not sure if I asked her to stop working but my wife has been a housewife. It is true that she has been busy taking care of our three kids.

All of a sudden, my wife told me that she had decided to start a part-time job. I agree with her decision because she has a right to do so regardless of my preference.

Now she works three times a week (i.e., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays), when I am ready to support my family while she is at work. However, what surprises me is that she never neglects her diary chores no matter how busy she is. I am really proud of you, Junko.

Go for it and enjoy your life, Junko! I'll be there for you.