Apr 8, 2017

Bold fishing

Last weekend, my little son, 8 years old, and I enjoyed fishing.

A few days before our fishing, he suddenly told me that he wanted to go fishing. This was probably because my kid, who is always curious about everything, saw a guy fishing sweetfish standing in a shallow river on TV.

His request reminded me of a small lake called Sone Lake, where I had gone fishing many times as a kid. Furthermore, I took my older son and daughter to the lake and fished a lots several years ago.

This time, however, we could not get any fish. This condition is called BOUZE, which is equivalent to being bold in English. I have next to nothing about why it is called BOUZE in our native language, though.

In spite of the disappointing results, I was so happy because I spent hours with my son outdoors; it was fine, warm, and breezy, typical weather in Spring in Japan. It should be also noted that my son seemed excited in dealing earthworms for fishing as well as running in the filed around the lake.