Feb 26, 2017

A 10-year-old Washing Machine

It has been a decade since this washing machine came to our house. My wife and I bought it at the timing when we moved to a brand new house.

Recently, my wife has noticed that there is often some water leakage seen under its bottom. We made a decision to carry out a thorough clean-up on the indispensable one.

First, we moved out the washing machine from the bottom pan. I expected it would be too heavy for us to lift up, but it was performed with little difficulty (Picture, left). She was way much stronger than I thought. Second, I removed all the sludge that has piled up over a period of some 10 years (Picture, middle), which was the most laborious task. Finally, we replaced it at the same place as it was, i.e., under the dryer and on the pan (Picture, right). It took only an hour as a whole.

We are lucky because no leakage has not found after the cleaning, although we did not recognize any reasons that could be associated with the water trouble. It is reasoned that lots of dusts under the washing machine would cause the leakage. I guess, however, that the washing machine was crying because it had become dusty. No wonder, a washing machine is a big fan of cleanness, given its role.

We never make it feel sad again.