My third book, entitled "Practical Handbook of Phonocardiography" has been published.
The book has a subtitle, "50 Case Studies with Embedded Audio and Video." What I want to emphasize is the word Embedded. It is true that some medical books have videos, especially in the field of cardiology. This is because seeing is believing, as proven by echocardiographic movies.
I know that books regarding auscultation often include a CD with audio files or a secret number to access Internet contents where you can download audio files.
What makes my book distinct is that both audio tracks and echo videos are embedded. That means you do not have to stop reading the book to listen to audio or to watch echo. How convenient. Don't you agree with me? I created this book since it would be one I've really wanted for years. Nobody dose make it, so I made it by myself.
Whether the book sells like hot cakes does not matter to me because I made this book for education, in order not to make money with royalty. I want medical staff in the world to use this book, so now I am wondering how I can advertise it. Becoming popular by word of mouth would be ideal, although easier said than done. Social media may be available and practical, but I am 100% sure that this blog would not work in this context.
Anyway I am very happy with my product regarding its educational objective as well as its technical achievement.