Jul 16, 2016

WiFi router

The other day, my house lost the connection to the Internet. All devices including iPad, tablets, and lap-top computers became something useless because they are unable to connect to the Internet using 3G or 4G. Under these circumstances, only smartphones were available.

The WiFi router in my house was likely to be the cause of the trouble. I have tried changing the WiFi's setting, without success. There was no other way but to replace a new router, and I bought one today (i.e., three days after the accident).

Although some struggles were needed to be overcome, the Internet started working again. What a relief. Needless to say, WiFi has become something of a necessity. My three kids said, "Thanks, Dad!" over and over again because they are really into YouTube.

Between you and me, the new WiFi that I bought today has a unique function which allows me to control time available. For example, with my setting, my younger kid uses iPad only 60 minutes per day. This function may be good to avoid wasting time online because it is way much more important for children to do homework or talk to their parents.

However, I am of two minds whether to use this function. Maybe, I would want my kids to get to learn how to use their time wisely through communications with us, although it would take more time.