Jul 7, 2016

NEJM image conference

Today, while I was learning about general internal medicine at another hospital, I came up with an excellent idea regarding Matsushita ER lunch conference.

Matsushita ER conference is a meeting where residents and experienced doctors discuss real cases who presented to the emergency room of Matsushita Memorial Hospital for various complains, such as fevers, dyspnea, or loss of consciousness.

Last month, I started this conference on Mondays, then not only on Mondays but also on Wednesdays because of a good response to the resident doctors. It seems like the meeting has been more effective to improve medical skills than I thought it would be.

Recently, I have been thinking of having this conference even on Fridays, i.e., three times a week, but my concern was what should be added, the same style or something new.

According to my new idea, I decided to add a brand-new element, in which residents present NEJM images in Japanese. NEJM images are very informative, short case reports with a few images and a 100- to 200-word explanation, attracting tons of worldwide medical experts including me.

I bet it will turn out fine because it is useful for resident doctors to learn English as well as enhance knowledge in clinical practice.