Jun 4, 2016

You lucky duck!

I think that my daughter is given a good luck by her Mom.

Take a look at the right shot. It is a postcard saying that my daughter won a lottery. What she got is not a big amount of money ー ¥1000 or about $9 ー but what is important is not the winning amount but winning a lottery.

I bet that my wife really has a good luck. Actually we were able to get the land we build our house 8 years earlier by her sheer luck. She won the lottery. So far, I have seen my wife and my daughter with a good luck many times. I am happy to be under such situations.

My two sons may think that I am not as lucky as my wife and daughter, but I insist that it is not true. I might as well ask them, "Who is the most lucky member among my family?"

You know what they say, the luckiest guy is a person who are with lucky people. In this context, my sons and I have to tell me, "You lucky duck."