May 16, 2016

Beetle Larvae

Do you like larvae? Of course not?
Then, how about beetle larvae? YES!

This weekend, my younger son asked me to take him to a place where there are beetle larvae. This is because he has learned about them in school. One of his advantages is that he is curious about everything.

First, we went to a park close to my house, with no success. Next place we headed to was a larger, natural park, which is 15-minute away by car. His big brother and I once caught some beetle larvae in the forest of the park.

It was not easy to find out larvae there ― fighting against tons of mosquitoes! ― but we managed to get several larvae in one hour. He was really excited, so was I.

Later on that day, his cousins visited us. To my surprise, he gave 2 or 3 larvae to them with a big smile. I am proud of his behavior; sharing fun with others is paramount no matter how young you are.

The problem is whether the larvae were male beetles or not remains unclear. I am sure that he hopes a male beetle because of its cool, big horns.

Time will tell, so wait and see, my little boy.