Nov 28, 2015

The sixth sence

I was tired that night, and went to bed at around 10:30 pm.
All of a sudden, something like a bleeze passed through my ears from the right to the left, when I have almost fallen asleep.

I got up and checked my cell phone, alarm clock, pillow and futon, but found nothing changed from before. Not to mention the windows or door in my bed room were closed. Suddenly, my patient, who has been in a serilusly critical condition and receiving palliative care, came to my mind for no specific reason.

A few minutes later, my phone rang, saying "Sorry to bother you, Doctor, but your patient's heart rate suddenly dropped." The patient died 10 minutes or something after the phone call.

I think that I am a scinentific person, and did not believe the sixth sence.
From now on, I may have to admit that there are many things that are scientifically unexplained.