I cannot get enough of music composed by JS Bach.
Actually, listening to Bach, I am writing this blog right now.
Bach made a wide range of classical music, from piano to violine. Among them, piano works are what I have been attracted most.
Bach is a really great composer as well as an educator. However, Bach may remain you that you had been forced to play his piano music, such as the Inventions and Symphonias, to improve your piano skills as a child. That made some people dislike him, I geuss. It would take a while to understand the value of Bach; I found myself fascinated by Bach after I turned thirty.
The Goldverg vriations are one of my favorite music written by Bach. This wonderful piano piece starts with a lovely small aria, followed by a set of 30 variations, and ends with the peaceful aria again. The exceptional creativity based on mathematical methods is beyond my imaginations.
If you give it a try, I recommend the Gordlberg variations played by Glenn Gould. The eccentric Caniadian pianist recorded this piano piece twice, in 1956 and 1981, and both are excellent.
My dream is that the Goldberg Variations played by me is released during my golden years.