Nov 12, 2015

A blend word

"It's fantabulous! Really humongous," said Mr. A.

It goes without saying that fantabulous means fantastic and fabulous, and humongous is huge and monstrous. These blend words are effective in enhancing what you are talking about, such as the size or wonderfulness. The rhythmical sounds of these words are another reason why blend words are quite popular especially among teenagers.

Have you ever heard of "KIMO-KAWA"? It is a blend word in Japanese. I have never heard of it before, but young girls are likely to use this slang word. It is a combination of "Kimochiwarui" or creepy in English and "Kawaii" or cute. Then, "KIMO-KAWA" refers to something creepy and cute.

Does my explanation make any sence?
Can you imagine anything creepy but cute? I am wondering what in the world it is.

I asked Google - Here's the answer.