Oct 25, 2015

Software engineer

I am curious about the situation of being a software engineer, whose job is simple, e.g., just to write a program, but very important because modern devices such as iPad and iPhone would not work well without appropriate software. It seems like that competent programmers have been short-handed and they would be in more and more demand in the future. In this context, it is no wonder that Millennial generation is expected to be good candidates for talented programmers since they are "natural internet users." They were born in the situation of which the Internet has been available. Surprisingly, my 8-year-old son is capable of handling with my iPad and Internet surfing without any help.

If you are interested in the field of software engineering, I encourage you to listen to a Podcast "Rebuild" by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa, who is a Japanese programmer and has lived in San Francisco for about 10 years. You can enjoy his chats with his colleagues about tech, software development, gadgets, and, once in a while, Japanese anime. Maybe the Japanese are limited with his Podcast because they speak only in Japanese on the Rebuild. Those who are fluent in Japanese language may have fun with this Podcast, but I have to confess that some parts of the Podcast are still difficult for me, a native Japanese speaker, to understand because of a bunch of technical terms and Internet slang words. It has, however, never ceased to fascinate me. Good luck with Rebuild and Mr. Miyagawa.