Oct 27, 2015


Have you ever heard of the word of "HTML"? If you are already familiar with HTML, I recommend that you spend your time more productively instead of reading today's my blog. Just to let you know, HTML stands for hyper text markup language, and is a basic language that is used for creating websites. Sample HTML descriptions, partially quoted from Yahoo.com, are below. 
<div class="bg-container">
   <button class="intl-selectorfull" aria-haspopup="true"> 
      <span class="ti pos-a">Select Country Site</span

Some two years ago, I was determined to create a web content regarding electrocardiography (ECG) for less-experienced medical staff, but I had next to nothing about how to write a computer program or HTML. Looking back, I used to handle simple codes as a high school student, but my skills as a software engineer, if any, were not associated with HTML, and all of them has already evaporated from my head.

My idea about an ECG website was proposed to our hospital but unfortunately, and as anticipated, has been denied due to lack of a budget. It would cost a few million yen or 20,000 to 30,000 dollars to have a program made by outsourcing. Almost sounds like that I had no other way but to give up my idea. Of course, I had no intention of surrendering!

To make my ideas into a reality, I started to learn HTML by myself. Luckily, a bunch of information on the Internet enabled me to become a self-taught software engineer. Now I am able to write standard source codes, although it is still difficult to make complicated, sophisticated ones without any help. I would say that the barrier of HTML is not as undefeatable as you think that it would be. You can do it as long as you keep on HTML.