Dec 14, 2015

Tombstone-like ECG

Some electrocardiograms or ECGs have another name that has nothing to do with cardiology.

Here is a good example. This ECG was obtained in the acute phase of anterior myocardial infarction. You can see significant ST-segment elevation in leads V1 to V6.

Take a close look at the shape of ST-T segments especially in V2 or V3 lead. Don't you think that it looks something familiar to you?

Fish? No. thumb? Wrong. Roof? Non.

Believe it or not, it is often described as tombstone-like. Do you agree? Dose that make any sense to you?

For me, it is not the name that counts, because this kind of ECG indicates an medical emergency. I have to perform angioplasty, as soon as possible, to save the patient who is suffering from a critically ill condition